Changing Demographics Major Challenge for Local Construction Industry | BuildForce Canada

Changing Demographics Major Challenge for Local Construction Industry

Nova Scotia – With a shrinking youth population and the retirement of more than 8,000 construction workers over the coming decade, Nova Scotia’s construction employers need to stay focused on recruitment, according to the latest forecast released today by BuildForce Canada.

“Labour mobility is a must to bolster the local construction workforce, especially during peak periods,” said Rosemary Sparks, Executive Director of BuildForce Canada. “With 27 percent of the workforce retiring over the next 10 years, recruiters are under real pressure to make up for that huge loss in skills and experience.”

BuildForce Canada’s 2015-2024 Construction and Maintenance Looking Forward forecast shows a modest rise in non-residential construction work. Hiring peaks from 2019-2021, driven by shipyard upgrades and expansion and commercial projects. Steady job growth in renovation work helps to offset a decline in new housing construction. Overall, construction employment rises across the forecast period, with a modest increase of 1,100 new jobs.

BuildForce Canada’s forecast also shows:

  • A projected gain of 800 jobs in renovation will partially offset a decline of 1,200 jobs in new housing.
  • Increased demand will create 600 jobs in commercial and institutional, and 500 jobs in engineering construction.

“Nova Scotia’s construction industry will need to replenish its aging workforce with young people,” added Sparks. “The challenge is attracting enough first-time workers to offset the baby boomers leaving the workforce.”

BuildForce Canada is a national industry-led organization that represents all sectors of Canada’s construction industry. Its mandate is to provide accurate and timely labour market data and analysis, as well as programs and initiatives to help manage workforce requirements and build the capacity and the capability of Canada’s construction and maintenance workforce. Visit:

For further information, contact: Rosemary Sparks, Executive Director, BuildForce Canada, or (905)-852-9186

Funded by the Government of Canada