Canada is a centre of excellence in construction innovation. To stay globally competitive, we need to put our pioneering knowledge of best practices to work — seeking processes to ensure safety, keep quality high, and bring costs down.
The industry-led Canadian Construction Productivity Initiative is defining what productivity means for Canada’s construction and maintenance industry. Through awareness-raising, education and sharing of leading/best practices, our goal is to make productivity a core value of the industry — at the heart of how we work, and key to our sustained competitiveness in the global marketplace.
We all have a part to play. Get involved! Become more productive and help keep our industry competitive.
You can begin by:
- Participating in benchmarking by completing the performance benchmarking tool.
- Checking out the research, tools and resources available
- Championing productivity in your organization
- Leading the productivity cultural change in your organization
- Being aware of the impact of decisions and actions that can impact productivity on your projects
- Implementing tools that are available to measure and improve productivity
In addition, please follow us on Twitter (@BuildForceCan) and LinkedIn ( where we will be continuing the discussion on productivity (#ConstructionProductivity #PerformanceBenchmarking #HowWeWorkIsHowWeWin).