BuildForce Canada

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BuildForce Canada

We assist the construction industry with its management of workforce requirements by providing reliable labour market information, tools and resources.


Labour Market Information Icon

Labour Market Information

BuildForce Canada studies and forecasts long-term trends in the labour market.  The resulting BuildForce Labour Market Information (LMI) focuses exclusively on trends affecting the construction and maintenance industry, including an economic and investment outlook, and an assessment of labour availability for 34 trades and occupations for the residential and non-residential construction sectors over a ten-year period.

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Training Icon


BuildForce Canada’s E-Learning Centre offers a comprehensive catalogue of online training courses designed to promote the professional development of individuals working in the Canadian construction and maintenance industry. BuildForce also provides an online library of resources for educators and industry training professionals, including training standards, Essential Skills, and research reports.

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Recruitment and Retention Icon

Recruitment and Retention

BuildForce Canada provides a wealth of studies, guides, best practices and web resources designed to help employers understand, recruit, engage and retain a diverse labour force, including youth, women, new Canadians, indigenous people and older workers.

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Management Resources Icon

Management Resources

BuildForce offers resources designed to provide employers with the information they need to meet labour market challenges and become more productive and competitive. Find research reports and self-assessment tools addressing issues that range from productivity to respectful workplace initiatives.

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Key Indicators

Construction Labour Force
Construction Employment
Construction Unemployment Rate
Canada-wide statistics.
Data source: Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0022-01 Labour force characteristics by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality.

Our Websites

BuildForce Canada has several informative and effective tools and products to help engage and support the construction and maintenance industry. Please visit our additional website resources.

Featured Video

First Level Supervisor Training – updated for 2024